Employee benefits survey questions and templates

With our employee benefits survey questions and templates, you can decide on the best benefits policy that will make employees happy and potentially attract new hires. Our employee benefits survey examples will help you improve current policy and strengthen your business.

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Employee benefits surveys make it easy to ascertain if a company is spending money wisely on the benefits that employees want—or failing to provide the benefits they need.

Find out what employees really think about company benefits—and learn how to improve them in the future—with SurveyPlanet. We are here to help create the perfect employee benefits survey.

Why employee benefits surveys are important

Without a universal healthcare system in the United States, employee benefits are at the top of the list of what job applicants look for. Aside from healthcare, employee benefits include programs like 401k contributions, paid time off, sick time, gym memberships, tuition reimbursement, and much more.

Benefits communicate that the overall health and wellness of employees are prioritized—as well as their future. Such programs also provide employees with more incentive to remain with a company. Employee benefits can help attract and retain top talent and differentiate a company from competitors.

According to a study conducted by SurveyPlanet, salary and health/retirement benefits are the top two concerns of employees.

There is usually a ripple effect for companies offering employee benefits. If employees feel happy with the benefits package, they’re likely to feel better and more satisfied with their jobs overall. This means a lower incidence of illness and use of sick time. Happier employees are also less likely to leave their jobs, especially if they can’t get the same benefits somewhere else.

If employee happiness and retention are important to your company—which they should be—then an employee questionnaire can help formulate the best benefits package.

How an employee benefits survey can help your business

The advantages of employee benefit surveys are numerous—they help save money and keep employees happier. To build the best benefits package, begin by finding out if employees like the current one. Whether a company offers just health benefits or the gamut—from flexible spending accounts to gym membership reimbursements—it’s important to know which ones employees find most important, which they don’t use, and which they want to see improved.

Using tools like question branching, in-depth insights can be gleaned regarding specific aspects of each benefit. A positive outcome of the employee benefits survey includes getting the information needed to better understand how to structure resources.

Once responses are gathered, make improvements to current benefits. When employees are happier with these, they feel more appreciated and motivated.

What to do with employee benefits survey results

Analyzing and acting on employee benefits survey results is a crucial part of the process. By taking a systematic and data-driven approach to examining and acting on employee benefits survey results, you can create a benefits package that is more in tune with employees' preferences and needs, which will lead to higher job satisfaction and retention.

Employee benefits in 2024

Over the years companies have adopted some new work benefits, including:

  • Remote work options. Many companies have adopted these, which allow employees to work from home or another location.
  • Mental health support. The pandemic has highlighted the need for mental health services. Many companies have started offering virtual mental health counseling or employee assistance programs.
  • Caregiver benefits. With many schools and childcare centers closed during the pandemic, employees had to balance work and caregiving responsibilities. Some companies are now offering additional caregiver benefits like flexible schedules or childcare subsidies.
  • Technology allowances. With remote work becoming more common, some companies are providing technology allowances to purchase necessary equipment like laptops, monitors, and Internet connectivity.

As the world of work continues to evolve, we can expect to see more innovative benefits and policies put in place to better support employee needs and well-being.

Employee benefits survey questions 2024: What should you ask?

Here are some examples of employee benefits satisfaction survey questions to ask today:

  • How satisfied are you with your current PTO amount?
  • Are you currently enrolled in our health plan coverage?
  • Are you satisfied with the health plan coverage we offer?
  • Do you feel the maximum deductible is too high?
  • Are you satisfied with your health plan provider options?
  • Are other members of your family enrolled in our company's health plan?
  • How do our company benefits compare to other companies you have worked for?
  • Which of our employee benefits do you like most?
  • Which of our employee benefits do you like least?
  • On a scale of 1-10, how important are free office snacks to you?
  • What other types of benefits would you like to receive? Why?
  • Do you understand all of the benefits we offer?
  • On a scale of 1-10, how important is each benefit to you?

Retirement survey questions in 2024

Here are some sample retirement survey questions for 2024 you can use in your next survey:

  • How confident do you feel about your retirement readiness and financial security in the future?
  • At what age do you anticipate retiring?
  • Have you estimated how much income you will need during retirement to maintain your desired lifestyle?
  • Are you familiar with the retirement plans offered by your employer?
  • Have you actively contributed to a retirement savings plan (e.g., 401(k), IRA) throughout your career?
  • Do you understand the investment options available within your retirement plan and feel comfortable making investment decisions?
  • Have you sought professional financial advice or guidance regarding your retirement planning?
  • Are you aware of the potential impact of inflation and rising healthcare costs on your retirement savings?
  • How confident are you in the performance and stability of your current retirement savings investments?
  • Have you considered alternative retirement income sources, such as Social Security, or additional investment vehicles?

Anonymous survey responses

Help employees feel safe answering questions by providing anonymous response options. When answers aren’t tied to names, employees are more likely to respond reliably. And the more honest employees are, the more that will be learned. Use this feedback to provide employees with even better benefit options.

Read this blog to learn more about the benefits of anonymous surveys.

Employer parental leave survey

Here are some questions you can ask to find out what your employees think about your parental leave program:

  • Are you aware of the company's parental leave policies?
  • Do you think the duration of the parental leave provided is adequate?
  • How would you rate the flexibility in arranging your parental leave schedule?
  • Did you feel adequately supported by the company during your parental leave?
  • How smooth was your transition back to work after parental leave?
  • What aspects of the parental leave program do you believe are working well?
  • Do you have any suggestions for improving the company's parental leave program?

Employer health benefits survey

Such a survey can provide valuable information—for both employers and employees. Here are some ways an employer health benefits survey can help:

  • Understanding employee needs. By conducting a health benefits survey, employers gain insights into what health benefits their employees value the most. This information can help employers tailor their benefits package to better meet workforce needs.
  • Improving employee retention. Offering competitive health benefits can be a key factor in retaining employees. A health benefits survey can help identify areas where the benefits package may be falling short—and changes that will improve employee satisfaction.
  • Controlling healthcare costs. Health benefits can be a significant expense for employers. A survey can help gather information about the types of benefits employees value most and subsequently focus resources on them. This can help control healthcare costs while still offering competitive benefits.
  • Benchmarking against industry standards. Employers can use a survey to compare their health benefits package against industry standards. This can help ensure that benefits are competitive and attractive to potential hires.
  • Communication and transparency. By conducting a survey, employers demonstrate their commitment to their employees' health and well-being. Sharing the survey results can build trust and improve communication regarding health benefits.

Overall, an employer health benefits survey can aid business owners in making informed decisions about their health benefits package and improve employee satisfaction and retention.

Employee health benefits survey questions

These are valuable tools for understanding the needs and preferences of a workforce regarding healthcare coverage. Here are some sample questions to include in an employee health benefits survey:

Questions about employee benefits in general

  • How satisfied are you with the health benefits provided by the company? (Scale: Very Satisfied to Very Dissatisfied)
  • Are you familiar with all the health benefits and coverage options offered by the company? (Yes/No)
  • Have you or your family members used any of the company's health benefits in the past year? (Yes/No)
  • What aspects of the current health benefits package do you find most valuable?

Healthcare coverage employee benefits questions

  • Have you signed up for a health insurance program provided by your company? (Yes/No)
  • Are you satisfied with the range of healthcare services covered by your current plan? (Scale: Very Satisfied to Very Dissatisfied)
  • Are there any specific medical services or treatments you believe should be covered but are not currently included in your plan? (Open-ended)
  • How do you feel about the cost-sharing arrangement (premiums, co-pays, deductibles) under your health plan? (Scale: Very Satisfied to Very Dissatisfied)
  • Do you have any suggestions for improving the cost-sharing structure or making it more affordable for employees and their families? (Open-ended)

Wellness programs and preventive care

  • Have you participated in any wellness programs offered by the company, such as fitness classes, health screenings, or smoking cessation programs? (Yes/No)
  • Are you happy with the new fitness plan provided by your company? (Yes/No)
  • If you haven't participated, what factors have discouraged you from taking part in wellness programs? (Open-ended)
  • Do you feel that the company's wellness initiatives are effective in promoting a healthier lifestyle among employees? (Scale: Very Effective to Not Effective)
  • Are there specific wellness activities or initiatives you would like to see introduced by the company? (Open-ended)

Preferred benefits

  • What additional health benefits or services would you like to see added to our health coverage options?
  • Do you have any specific preferences regarding the type of healthcare plan (e.g., PPO, HMO, HDHP) you would like the company to offer?
  • Are you interested in flexible spending accounts (FSAs) or health savings accounts (HSAs)? (Yes/No)

Open enrollment experience

  • How satisfied are you with the open enrollment process and communication from HR regarding health benefit options? (Scale: Very Satisfied to Very Dissatisfied)
  • Do you feel that you have enough time and information to make informed choices during the open enrollment period?
  • Are there any improvements you'd suggest to make the open enrollment process more efficient or user-friendly?

Overall Comments

  • Do you have any other comments or suggestions regarding the company's health benefits or wellness initiatives?

Five benefits of employee surveys

Sending a questionnaire on compensation and benefits provides these five crucial advantages:

  • Understand employees' needs. By seeking input, employees are told that you care. Once needs are met, downstream windfalls occur.
  • Use benefits investments more wisely. Surveying employees provides information about specific benefits—all of which represent significant investments—that they truly care about. The result will be investing more wisely—and potentially saving money.
  • Keep employees happier. Good benefits take a weight off the shoulders of employees. As a result, they feel happier.
  • Improve employee retention rates. High-end benefits are hard to come by. If employees are satisfied with benefits, they’re happier at work and less likely to seek a better opportunity.
  • Attract better employees. Not every company offers good benefits—or any at all. By offering an attractive benefits package, more and better applicants are attracted to job listings. This leads to better employees.

Anonymous employee benefits survey responses

Help employees feel safe by providing the option to respond anonymously. When employees know their answers won’t lead back to them, they are often more open. The more honest employees are, the more that can be learned. Use this feedback to provide employees with improved benefits.

Employee benefits questionnaire: Sample questionnaire on compensation and benefits

Here's a sample questionnaire on compensation and benefits:

  1. How satisfied are you with your current compensation package (salary, bonuses, incentives)?
  2. Do you feel that your compensation is competitive compared to similar roles in the industry?
  3. Are you aware of the criteria and processes used to determine salary increases and promotions in your organization?
  4. How satisfied are you with the transparency of the compensation structure within your organization?
  5. Are you satisfied with the benefits provided by your employer (e.g., health insurance, retirement plans, vacation leave)?
  6. Are there any additional benefits or perks you would like to see offered by the company?
  7. Do you feel that your benefits package adequately supports your personal and family needs?
  8. How satisfied are you with the flexibility and work-life balance options provided by your employer (e.g., remote work, flexible hours)?
  9. Are you aware of any employee assistance programs or resources available to support your well-being (e.g., mental health counseling, financial planning)?
  10. Would you consider leaving your current position for another opportunity that offers better compensation and benefits?

Remember to tailor questions to your specific organization and include any additional ones that are relevant to the compensation and benefits program.

Use SurveyPlanet’s employee benefits survey template—or create your own

If you want to find out how employees feel about their employee benefits, SurveyPlanet is here to help. We make it easy to create beautiful and easy-to-use surveys that can be sent to employees.

Create your own or save time by using one of our sample employee benefits surveys. Start collecting needed answers that will improve your workplace today.

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